Friday, April 06, 2007

Another bad day

It's 11pm and I just got home from dropping Gromit off at the shelter. I want to first say that Rhonda the lady at the shelter is a saint and should be awarded a medal for her good will towards this puppy. She is definitely my hero.

Gromit hasn't eaten all day and only drank on his own a couple of times. He started vomiting again and continued to have diarrhea. His weight yesterday morning was 2lbs 1oz. This eveing it was 1lb 10oz. To loose 20% of your body weight in 36 hours is a pretty bad sign. So, I talked to my girl Sue and she helped convince me that I should call Rhonda. So - I took him down and he got a good dose of fluids, more antibiodics and some albon (not sure of the spelling on that one). He looked like he wanted to drink on his own, but didn't. So - I left him there. She is going to call in the morning with an update. I'm thankful he's there because if he were here I would be worrying constantly if I was doing everything I could. Plus, if he should die I won't have to see him first. At this point I'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard. I can't imagine being that sick and getting better. Rhonda says "he'll be just fine". I really hope she's right.

Oh - and the darndest thing - it's snowing tonight. I'm certain that if he pulls through that the snow was a sign that he really is the little miracle dog. I miss him already.

1 comment:

robin said...

I'm praying for Gromit!!