Monday, February 05, 2007


Back in November I had nasal surgery. I have had reoccuring sinus infections for several years now and finally did something about it. Well, in the winter we use the front window room as our living room because a) on a sunny day this room turns into an oven - good for winter, bad for summer and b) this is where the fire place is. So, after my surgery I had limited movement and was heavily drugged. So, I sat around watching TV all day. Anyone who has ever "tried" to watch tv in a very sunny room can tell you - it sucks. Well, it sucked big time. I was miserable, drugged, in pain and I could barely even see the TV because of all the glare. So out of desparation, I begged for help. I picked out what I wanted online and made a shopping list. My dad (also assigned to "make sure she doesn't do anything stupid on drugs" duty) kindly agreed to make the purchase. Aaron tried to put them up, but this is a big tall room and not for the faint of heart. Of course - I was still on drugs and could do little to help. Even asking me to hold the ladder was sketchy. So our friend, Bryan E., came over and helped. He's got lots of ladder experience, so it was no problem for him. So, three men and two hundred dollars later - I got my blinds. In this picture - it doesn't look like it does much good, but I promise - it does! You can actually watch movies in here now.

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